This list based on popularity, usage, features and apps of Web Browser.
1. Google Chrome: Google Chrome is a free open-source web browser developed by Google.
Best Feature: Chrome Store and its Apps. It is most popular browser by all
categories. Google Chrome is a Web Browser built for Speed, Simplicity and
2. Firefox: Firefox is a popular, free and open-source web browser developed by Mozilla. Firefox is developed on Mozilla Code. Firefox is available for all platforms and OS.
3. Safari: Safari is the default browser for Mac systems. Safari is known for its sleek design. Safari is Apple’s web browser. Therefore it is default browser on all Apple devices including iPhone and iPad.
4. IE (Internet Explorer): IE is a free and pre-installed web browser of all Windows OS. It is default web browser of all Microsoft devices.
5. Opera: Opera is a free web browser supports all platforms and OS. Opera also supports all main web standards like CSS 3, HTML 5, XML and more. Opera is the preferred browser for a number of small devices like mobile phones and hand-held computers.
Other useful Web Browsers:
- Flock
- SeaMonkey
- Sleipnir
- Maxthon
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